About the Author

I'm Mike and I maintain NY17.org. I'm a lifelong New Yorker and resident of Bedford, NY for over 20 years. I was inspired to create this site because I care about what happens in my district and that includes who represents me in Congress.

I am a father of two and husband to one. I feel lucky to own a home in the town of Bedford. In comparison to other Americans, we are middle class, which makes us poor by Bedford standards. We are a family of four living in a 1400 sq ft home. We have years to go before the mortgage is paid, and then college tuition for our kids to worry about. We don't live paycheck to paycheck, but we watch every dollar we spend. The struggle is real.

But I consider us lucky when I see what younger Americans are facing today. Homes are unaffordable and interest rates are only going higher. What's worse, is that our politics are crazy, and only seem to be getting worse. I feel like I owe my kids more than irreversible climate change, lockdown drills in school, a backsliding democracy and an ever-widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.

I'll be publishing my thoughts here from time to time. I'm deliberately posting anonymously because it's a crazy online world out there, and it's even worse when you express your political views. If you live in the district and want to publish here, DM me on Twitter @ny17org.
